Off Leash K9 Training Adventures Services
12 Weeks Package
- 5 days per week
- length : 12 Weeks
- Prices : $299.00/month ($14.95 per 30 minutes walk)
8 Weeks Package
- 5 days per week
- length : 8 Weeks
- Prices : $319.00/month ($15.95 per 30 minutes walk)
4 Weeks Package
- 5 days per week
- length : 4 Weeks
- Prices : $339.00/month ($16.95 per 30 minute walk)
1 Week Package
- 5 days per week
- length : 1 Week
- Prices : $359.00/month ($17.95 per 30 minutes walk)
Individual Walk
- $18.00 per 30 minute walk
* $1.95 extra for additional dogs.
* These rates apply to walks performed between standard hours (1oam-4pm, M-F). Visits include exercise, playtime, water bowl refreshing, waste removal and TLC. We keep a log of the times your woofie’s dog walker enters and leaves your home and we have several local veterinarians on call in the event of illness or emergency.
Overnight Pet & House Sitting
This is a great alternative for you and your pet!
We know how much of a hassle it is to kennel our pets, not to mention the stress on our pets and the guilt we as parents feel. With our overnight pet & house sitting, your pet(s) will experience the pleasure of staying in their own home while you’re away. When you return, you’ll be able to catch up with our hand-written notes detailing the highlights of our stay with your pet.
Overnights are available 7 days a week, holidays too. Visits include caring for your pet (an evening walk and feeding, staying over-night, and a morning walk and feeding), checking mail, collecting newspapers, watering plants, and performing a cursory house check.
An additional midday walk is recommended for dogs (see midday walk prices above)
Why are you still waiting?
This is a great alternative for you and your pet!